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Download the UIKit.tns file here or on the downloads page and send it to your calculator; then press menu, then actions, then install as python module.
UIKit.tns Releases
Copy the example code below to get started and to test if you installed the module correctly
Use the init() function to initailize the drawing surface
The canvas is a list that you add conponents to. Adding other non-conponent types may causes errors though.
This isint set up for you, but using the example below it has a loop where all logic and rendering is done. Use this for runtime events.
Name | Description | Return Type |
init() | Initilizes ti_draw space and sets global pen | None |
getStringWidth() | Returns int of how many pixles wide the given text is | Int |
getStringHeight() | Return int height of pixels of given text | Int |
The UIElement is the base class for every component, it includes basic methods and can be used to create your own conponents
Name | Description | Type |
x | X coordinate of UIElement | Int |
y | Y coordinate of UIElement | Int |
width | Width of UIElement | Int |
height | Height of UIElement | Int |
dorender | Bool to determine if an UIElement is rendered. Implemented on all standard UIElements | Bool |
Name | Description | Return Type |
isCursor() | Checks if the cursor is over the UIElement | Bool |
isClick() | Checks if the UIElement was clicked | Bool |
Name | Description | Args Type |
cursorEvent | Invoked when the cursor is on the UIElement | None |
clickEvent | Invoked when the UIElement is clicked | None |
This process is advanced, so you will need to have some experience with python inheritance and class structure to get it right.
Define the class inheriting UIElement. Disclaimer: You can make an element without UIElement, but it wont have the logic defined in the UIElement class
Use the class contructor to define any variables that need to be defined at creation and also use them to define the variables of the UIElement base class, if using it
When rendering your conponent, you will have to keep a couple things in mind. 1. use the ti_draw library. 2. work with the width and height paramters so that clicking detection works. 3. Include any custom logic in the render function that needs to be repeatable
So your element can be rendered on screen, use the method name: render(self) so the method is called correctly in the loop
The code below should be a good starting point
The Color class is the class that holds the color values in RGB for parts of UIElements
If a Element has already been defined, use .set() or .mset() to change color instead of assigning a new class
Name | Description |
Color(R,G,B) | Creates color class and set the RGB values |
Name | Description | Type |
R | r value for color | Int |
G | g value for color | Int |
B | b value for color | Int |
Name | Description | Return Type |
set(color) | Sets a new color with the text, see refrence below | None |
mset(R, G, B) | Sets a new color with the RGB specified values | None |
gset() | Globally sets the color to the drawing canvas | None |
get() | Gets the induvidual values of the color | Tuple |
Name | RGB code | Color Preview |
red | 178,31,53 | |
redorange | 216,39,53 | |
orange | 255,116,53 | |
orangeyellow | 255,161,53 | |
yellow | 255,240,53 | |
darkgreen | 0,117,58 | |
green | 0,158,71 | |
lightgreen | 22,221,53 | |
darkblue | 0,82,165 | |
blue | 0,121,252 | |
lightblue | 0,169,252 | |
cyan | 0,255,255 | |
violet | 104,30,126 | |
purple | 125,60,181 | |
lightpurple | 189,122,246 | |
darkbrown | 95,44,10 | |
brown | 183,97,39 | |
lightbrown | 210,138,90 | |
black | 0,0,0 | |
white | 255,255,255 | |
gray | 160,160,160 | |
lightgray | 211,211,211 | |
darkgray | 105,105,105 |
Custom Class for TextArea
Used to do word wrapping and storing the text data as lines
Name | Description |
Document(x: int, y: int, text: str) | Creates a Document |
Name | Description | Type |
lines | holds lines of text | List |
algotype | type of algorythim used for word wrap. DONT CHANGE. | Int |
Name | Description | Return Type |
calclines(text:str) | Calculates and sets lines variable based on text given | None |
Events pass a refrence of the object it is contained in to the listeners
Unless you are creating your own UIElements or modfiying existing ones, you will not need to deal with the Event class, Instead look at Listener
The Event holds Listeners that can all be called at once via InvokeListeners()
Name | Description |
Event() | Creates class of Event() |
Name | Description | Type |
listeners | holds the listeners | List |
Name | Description | Return Type |
addListener(listener:Listener) | Adds a listener to the Event | None |
removeListener(index:Int) | Removes a listener from the Event | None |
removeAll() | Removes all the listeners from the Event | None |
InvokeListeners(args: self) | Invokes all the Listeners in listeners | None |
The Event is normally a variable of a UIElement. It is made in that way so that so that people can add Listeners
InvokeListeners(arg) is called by from the UIElement when neccacary, such as when a value changes.
The listeners will then invoke their respective methods.
Listener holds a function refrence that can be used with a Event. you can also specify if it interprets arguments
args are passed by the Event they are connected to and the type is refrenced in the documentation
Name | Description |
Listener(func: FunctionRef, isargs: Bool) | Creates listener that can be used for an event |
Name | Description | Type |
funcref | function refrence for Listener | FunctionRef |
isargs | function refrence for Listener | Bool |
Name | Description | Return Type |
call(args: Any) | Calls the functiion refrence for the Listener | None |
The label is a static text which can be changed
Name | Description |
Label(x:Int, y:Int, text:String) | Ceates label and sizes accordingly |
Name | Description | Type |
text | Text for label - dont change directly due to automatic sizing, use setText() | String |
color | Color for text of the label | Color |
Name | Description | Return Type |
setText(text:String) | Sets text of label and height and width accordingly | none |
getText() | Gets the current text of the label | String |
The button is an UIElement that can call a function from a click and return a variable
Name | Description |
Button(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, text:String, onClick:FunctionRef, arg:Any) | Creates Button with a function to call and arguments to pass, onClick and arg can be null |
Name | Description | Type |
text | Text for button - dont change directly due to automatic sizing | String |
onClick | Function refrence that is called when the button is clicked | Function Ref |
arg | Argument to be passed through to the onClick method, use a list and then in the reciving function go though it to implement multiple args | Any |
callback | Variable returned from the function that is refrenced in onClick | Any |
bdcolor | Color of the border of the button | Color |
bgcolor | Background Color | Color |
txcolor | Color of the text of the button | Color |
Name | Description |
onClickEvent | Invoked when a click is detected. Uses new system |
Name | Description | Return Type |
setText(text) | Sets text of button | none |
getText() | Gets the current text of the button | String |
setSize(width:Int, height:Int) | Sets size of button | none |
getSize() | Gets the current size of the button | Tuple |
The Textbox is a dymanic element which recives user input
Edit mode it enterned when the cursor is moved over the Textbox and the enter key is pressed
Exit edit mode with esc and when not on handheld use up arrow
Edit mode holds the main loop for accurate input
Number mode called numMode is a mode for the Textbox that only allows numerical input
Current input will be kept, so clear text if changing during runtime
toggle number mode with setnumMode() function
Name | Description |
Textbox(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, text:String, isreadonly:Bool, isdymaniccharacterlength:Bool) | Creates a basic Textbox |
Name | Description | Type |
numMode | Mode for whether textbox is only numerical input | Bool |
text | Text for Textbox - dont change directly due to automatic sizing | String |
readonly | Determines wherether user input is taken for the Textbox | Bool |
edit | Toggles edit mode - still need cursor to be over the textbox to work if manual change | Bool |
CL | Character leghth for Textbox | Int |
DCL | Determines wherether dynamic character length is enabeld | Bool |
Colors are variables just like the ones above, just in their own section in this documentation
Name | Description | Default |
bdcolor | Color of the border of the textbox | 0,0,0 |
txcolor | Color of the text of the textbox | 0,0,0 |
ndcolor | Color of the backround of the textbox when it is not in edit mode | 160,160,160 |
edcolor | Color of the backround of the textbox when it is in edit mode | 210,210,210 |
Name | Description | Return Type |
setnumMode(toggle:Bool) | Sets state of numerical input | none |
setText(text:String) | Sets text of textbox and takes into account DCL but not readonly as readonly is done in render() | none |
getText() | Gets the current text of the Textbox | String |
setSize(width:Int, height:Int) | Sets size of textbox | none |
getSize() | Gets the current size of the textbox | Tuple |
The Dropdown is a dymanic element that holds other elements in a dropdown style and can be toggled
Use the items[] list so add or remove elements to the dropdown. x and y coords of the element being added do not matter
If you are using your own elements, they need to inherit UIElement to be rendered on the dropdown
Name | Description |
Dropdown(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, text:String, iscollapsable:Bool) | Ceates label and sizes accordingly |
Name | Description | Type |
text | Text for Dropdown, name | String |
items | Holds the elements that will be rendered in the dropdown | List |
iscollapsable | Controls if the dropdown can be expanded | Bool |
collapsed | Contains the state of the dropdown, whether or not toggeled | Bool |
buffer | Controls how much space beetween elements there are in the dropdown | Int |
Colors are variables just like the ones above, just in their own section in this documentation
Name | Description | Default |
txcolor | Text Color | 0,0,0 |
bdcolor | Border Color | 0,0,0 |
bgcolor | Backround Color | 160,160,160 |
btcolor | Arrow Color | 0,0,0 |
Name | Description | Return Type |
addElement(element:UIElement) | Adds an element to the dropdown | none |
removeElement(index:Int) | Removes an element at the selected index | none |
removeAll() | Removes all elements from the dropdown | none |
The toggle button is an Button that can be toggeled
Name | Description |
TButton(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, text:String, onClick:FunctionRef, arg:any) | Creates Toggle Button with a function to call and arguments to pass, onClick and arg can be null |
Name | Description | Type |
text | Text for button - dont change directly due to automatic sizing | String |
onClick | Function refrence that is called when the button is clicked | Function Ref |
arg | Argument to be passed through to the onClick method, use a list and then in the reciving function go though it to implement multiple args | Any |
callback | Variable returned from the function that is refrenced in onClick | Any |
toggle | State of whether or not the button is toggeled | Bool |
Name | Description |
onClickEvent | Invoked when a click is detected. Uses new system |
Colors are variables just like the ones above, just in their own section in this documentation
Name | Description | Default |
bdcolor | Border Color | 0,0,0 |
bgcolor | Background Color | 140,140,140 |
oncolor | Color of toggle in on state | 160,160,160 |
ofcolor | Color of toggle in off state | 0,0,0 |
txcolor | text Color | 0,0,0 |
Name | Description | Return Type |
setText(text:String) | Sets text of toggle button | none |
getText() | Gets the current text of the toggle button | String |
setSize(width:Int, height:Int) | Sets size of toggle button | none |
getSize() | Gets the current size of the toggle button | Tuple |
The Panel is a UIElement that inherits other elemtns like the dropdown, just not in a orginizational pattern
Coordinates of UIElements added to a Panel are interpreted as local coordinates of the panel
Only Elements inheriting UIElement can be added to panels as they require the coordinate system integrated into UIElement
Name | Description |
Panel(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, isRender:Bool) | Creates a Panel and choose whether or not to be rendered |
Name | Description | Type |
items | List that stores items to be rendered | List |
hasBorder | Whether or not the Panel has a border | Bool |
isRender | Whether or not the Panel and its items are rendered - do not change directly, use functions | Bool |
Name | Description | Return Type |
toggleRender() | toggles the render state of the Panel | none |
setRender(state:Bool) | set the render state of the panel | none |
addElement(element:UIElement) | Adds element to the list and with adjusted coordinates | none |
removeElement(index:Int) | Removes an element in the list at the specified index | none |
removeAll() | Removes all items in the list | none |
The Slider is an UIElement that lets users choose a value within a range of values
The slider is toggeled with enter
Name | Description |
Slider(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, min:Double, max:double, value:Double, isInt:Bool) | Creates a slider with the desired arguments |
Name | Description | Type |
rangemax | Maximum range of slider | Double |
rangemin | Mininum range of slider | Double |
value | Value of slider | Double |
ischange | Whether or not the slider is receiving input | Bool |
isint | Whether or not the slider returns only ints | Bool |
Name | Description | Return Type |
evalValue() | Evaluates the coordinates of the slider knob and updates the value accordingly. This method is ran in render so it does not need to be called. | None |
Name | Description |
onChangeValue | Invoked when the a new value is detected, passes value of slider |
onSelectValue | Invoked when ischange is toggled off, passes value of slider |
Name | Description | Default |
bgcolor | Backround color | 160,160,160 |
bdcolor | Border Color | 0,0,0 |
slcolor | Color of knob when disabled | 105,105,105 |
selcolor | Color of knob when enabeld | 0,0,0 |
lncolor | Color of slider knob | 0,0,0 |
maxtxcolor | Color of max value text | 0,0,0 |
mintxcolor | Color of min value text | 0,0,0 |
valbxcolor | Color of value box when the slider is enabeld | 150,150,150 |
valbxcolor | Color of text in value box | 0,0,0 |
The color picker is an UIElement that allows the user to select a color for another UIElement via a GUI Interfacee
crcolor's color is initially inherited by the constructor
Name | Description |
Colorpicker(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int, func:Func Ref, arg:Any) | Creates a Colorpicker that is ready to be displayed |
Name | Description | Type |
isopen | Defualt is false, change to true when ready to render | Bool |
crcolor | Color currently selected, use this or getColor() for color refrence | Color |
Name | Description | Return Type |
getColor() | return curent color of color picker | Color |
open() | opens the color picker | None |
Name | Description |
onSelect | Invoked when a color is selected |
onOpen | Invoked when the colorpicker is opened via the method open() |
onRandom | Invoked when the random button is clicked |
Colors are variables just like the ones above, just in their own section in this documentation
Name | Description | Default |
bdcolor | Border Color | 255,255,255 |
bdcolor | Background Color | 105,105,105 |
The TextArea is an UIElement that allow for multi-line user input
The TextArea uses a custom UIKit class: Document to store data.
Name | Description |
TextArea(x:Int, y:Int, width:Int, height:Int) | Creates a TextArea that is ready to be displayed |
Name | Description | Type |
edit | Whether TextArea is in edit mode | Bool |
readonly | Whether TextArea is in editable | Bool |
text | Current text of TextArea as a string | String |
document | Color currently selected, use this or getColor() for color refrence | Document |
Name | Description | Return Type |
addText(newtext: str) | Appends text to the TextArea | None |
setText(newtext: str) | Sets text of the TextArea | None |
Name | Description |
onTextChange | Invoked when User Input is taken |
onEdit | Invoked when edit mode is enabled |
onExit | Invoked when edit mode is disabled |
Colors are variables just like the ones above, just in their own section in this documentation
Name | Description | Default |
bdcolor | Border Color | 255,255,255 |
txcolor | Text Color | 0,0,0 |
bdcolor | Background Color | 230,230,230 |